
Sunday, October 22, 2006

This Week in Film

If you consider those shoes to be limited-edition, then this is the perfect pic for this post.Two things that may have slipped under your radar:

Gumby 50th Anniversary Celebration @ NW Film Forum
We have to admit to liking Gumby more as a concept than a show, but we still respect the Gumby contribution to the world of animation. Maybe this retrospective will turn us into a full fan.

Just For Kicks @ Harvard Exit (Scion Film Series <- free with RSVP) - Monday, 10/23 Only
We're admitted shoe fanatics here, so we were all over this film screening as soon as it was announced. For the rest of you, your reason to attend is partially to get a peek into this obsessive little world, but mainly to watch a bunch of guys (and yes, it'll be mainly guys) walking around staring at each other's feet, since you know the attendees are going to dress to impress - from the ankle down.



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