A Spelling Bee for Grownups
Spelling Bee season isn't over just because the national champ has been declared. Instead, the season for grownups is just beginning, as Rebar is now host to a monthly series of bees by the same folks that have been organizing them in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The first installment is Thursday at 8pm. Sounds like a fun time, although spelling for drinks and a paid bar tab doesn't amount to much when you only drink water. No matter, spanning_time will be there in force, and there's no way "piazza" is going to knock us out again like it did in the fifth grade.
From the creators and champions of the hit night in Williamsburg, Brooklyn comes Re-bar’s latest monthly series: Seattle Spelling Bee! Willing audience members and local spelling know-it- alls get drunk, flirt, and flaunt while they slur their way through progressively more difficult words to win drink tickets and prizes!
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